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 Sebastian Rulli

Ići dole 
Milos Colunga

Broj poruka : 219
Reputation : 0
Datum upisa : 25.08.2010

Sebastian Rulli Empty
PočaljiNaslov: Sebastian Rulli   Sebastian Rulli EmptyČet Avg 26, 2010 1:46 pm

Sebastian Rulli Sebastianrulli41

Sebastián Oscar Rulli (born July 6, 1975 in Buenos Aires) is an Argentine-Mexican actor and model.

Before becoming the successful actor that he is today, Sebastián Rulli began his career modeling in many different countries in Europe, namely Spain, Italy and France as well as in Mexico and the United States. In Mexico, he then enrolled in Televisa's Centro de Educación Artística (CEA), where he studied acting. Rulli made his first appearance on Mexican television in the soap opera Primer amor... a mil por hora in 2000. He has gained great popularity since then. Sebastian Rulli has appeared in many other telenovelas, including Clase 406 (2002) and Rubí (2004), where he played "Héctor Ferrer." His most recent role was in Televisa's Pasión as "Santiago Márquez," one of the main characters, along with Fernando Colunga and Susana González. Sebastian Rulli married his longtime girlfriend Cecilia Galeano on December 31st, 2007, in a small ceremony that was attended by about thirty friends and family.

Un Gancho al Corazon as Mauricio Sermeño 2008
Pasión as Santiago Márquez (2007/2008)
Mundo de fieras as Juan Cristóbal (2006)
Contra viento y marea as Sebastián Cárdenas Contreras (2005)
Rubí as Héctor Ferrer Garza (2004)
Alegrijes y rebujos as Rogelio Díaz Mercado (2003)
Clase 406 as Juan Esteban San Pedro (2002)
Sin pecado concebido as Marco Vinicio Martorel Hernández (2001)
Primer amor... a mil por hora as Mauricio (2000)
Verano del '98 as Willy (1998)
Naranja y media as Sebastián (1997)
Locas por ellos as Johnny (1997)
Montaña rusa, otra vuelta as Ignacio (1995)

TV series
Ugly Betty as Priest on telenovela (2006)

Tres as Virgilio (2005)
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Sebastian Rulli
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